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10 Tips for Becoming a Surface Pattern Designer

surface pattern design

It’s no secret how passionate I am about educating artists and creative entrepreneurs about the beautiful world of surface pattern design. As a completely self-taught surface pattern designer, I’m passionate about sharing my journey. For the past 15 years, I have consistently switched hats between artist, entrepreneur, educator and leader—and now I'm ready to share it all with you.

I'm here to help you spend your life doing something that lights you up. I'll help you build a creative business that also creates an impact, changes people's lives, gives you all of the freedom you want, and is wildly profitable.

I often get asked, ‘If you could share your top tips for becoming a surface pattern designer, what would you share?’ 

Well, friends, I loooove this question so much! 

Our stories and journeys matter because they contain transformation. There’s no ‘overnight success.’ We put in the hard work, we make the sacrifices, and we consistently show up through it all. Looking back over the past 15 years, here are my top 10 tips for becoming a surface pattern designer. 

1. Learn Adobe Illustrator

I believe world-class surface pattern designers start by investing in resources and taking the time to learn how to design with the best tools. In the world of surface pattern design, this means mastering Adobe Illustrator. 

Investing in Adobe Illustrator was a big leap of faith. When I started my journey to become a surface pattern designer, I had zero money and zero skills. Truly, zero! 

In less than a year, I can tell you it was the best decision I ever made. In fact, 15 years later, I’ve become a world-renowned designer and online educator. I help thousands all over the world learn how to transform their art into income. Every February, I open enrollment to my beloved Immersion Course, where I personally lead a multi-week digital course on how to become a master in surface pattern design and Adobe Illustrator. 

Click here to claim your seat on the waitlist.

2. Make as Many Patterns as You Can

Once you start designing, use this precious early time to make as many patterns as you can. Like, hundreds! This stage is all about creating. 

Every pattern you design will move you one step closer to building a full collection. I promise you will find your early work to be your most cherished. 

When you’re creating, don’t think about the end goal; indulge in the simple art of creating. As you create more, you will start to develop a style that feels authentically you. The simplest way is to get out of the dreaming and get into the doing. Make it a goal to create every day for 30 days with no expectations. Your transformation will be stunning. 

3. Never Throw Anything Away

Don’t delete files; don’t toss sketches in the trash. Someday, they might just be exactly what you need! This mindset encourages continuous learning and growth in your creative journey. 

It gives you the freedom to enjoy and the freedom of mastery. 

4. Feedback Makes You Stronger

Build a community around your designs as an artist and creative entrepreneur—blog, pin, and post. Reach out to other surface pattern designers and creative entrepreneurs for feedback. Building professional networks is crucial for enhancing credibility in creative fields and creating opportunities for collaboration and support.

Although sometimes hard to accept, feedback is an invaluable tool for growth. Learn to take it constructively, and remember that it often says more about the giver than about you.

5. Be Authentic

It’s easy to be incredibly inspired by looking around the web, but remember to never be ‘too’ inspired by someone else’s work. Find your own personal style and stick with it. We can’t wait to see what you come up with! Empowering others through teaching and sharing your unique voice can also enhance your own creativity.

6. Do One Thing Every Single Day

This is my all-time favorite motivational tip and a mantra I live by! Whatever your dream may be, start doing one thing, however great or small, every day to move toward your big dream. This habit is essential for creative entrepreneurs aiming for continuous improvement. Your big goal is closer to achievement than you think. 

7. Have an Amazing Portfolio

Pour your heart, love, and passion into this book. Your portfolio reflects your journey and growth as a surface pattern designer. It also helps build professional networks and enhance credibility in creative fields.

8. Tell a Story

When designing patterns, consider themes and storylines. The theme should run throughout each pattern, the title of the collection, the names of each pattern, and even the color names you choose. Storytelling in design can be a powerful way to connect with your audience and showcase personal mastery in art.

9. Have 10 Seconds of Courage

That’s all it takes to pick up the phone and call a company; hit send on an email or message on LinkedIn. It only takes 10 seconds of courage to introduce yourself to an art director or put yourself ‘out there.’ Think of this as building professional networks and putting your art into the world. My friend, it’s a beautiful thing. Growth in a creative field often involves stepping out of your comfort zone and taking bold steps toward your goals, and it’s the same for teaching in a creative field, you’ll need to get comfortable with getting uncomfortable. 

10. Know That You Can

You can do this. You reeeeealllly can! All you have to do is decide to do it, no matter what it takes. It will take sacrifice, dedication, and hard work but you CAN do it. Diversifying income for creatives is possible when you believe in your potential and work towards your dreams.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful surface pattern designer. Remember, education for creatives and continuous learning are crucial for personal and professional growth. If this article has inspired you, be sure to check out my FREE online mini class ‘Start Simple in Surface Pattern Design’ here the link to start today!

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