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How to Find Your Signature Style

creative entrepreneur

Can you imagine your artwork being instantly recognizable, even without your name on it? That’s the magic of developing your signature style. As a surface pattern designer and educator to thousands of successful creative entrepreneurs, I’ve witnessed (and learned) firsthand how crucial it is for every creative, no matter the industry, to develop a unique style. If you're wondering how to find your art style, you're in the right place!

How to Find Your Art Style: 5 Key Steps

Finding your signature art style can seem elusive, almost terrifying, but it's more achievable than you might think. Let’s break down five key steps on how to find your signature art style and zone in on the beauty you want to see come align in the world.

1. Create Consistently to Discover Your Style

Yep, you heard me—CREATE! Sounds simple? It’s easier said than done but absolutely vital. The foundational step in finding your signature style is creating a lot of art—or whatever it is you craft. The more you make, the more you uncover the elements that are uniquely yours. Consistent practice is the best answer to how to find your art style. Need a bit of inspiration to keep the creativity flowing? Dive deeper on The Professional Creative Podcast and download our episode freebie: "1 Year of Daily Art Prompts." That’s 365 prompts categorized into 52 weekly themes to jumpstart your creativity. Listen and download here

2. Design What You Want to See in the World

Instead of focusing on trends or what's selling, concentrate on what you want to see come alive in the world. When you create from your heart, your work becomes a direct reflection of your soul. This authenticity is key in the process of how to find your art style and will set your work apart.

3. Don’t Wait for Inspiration – Chase It

Waiting for inspiration to strike is like waiting for lightning to hit the same spot twice. It’s unpredictable. Instead, identify what inspires you and chase it down. Whether it’s a walk in nature, a visit to a museum, or some quiet time in a botanical garden, intentionally seek out activities that evoke creativity. Being proactive is another essential step in how to find your art style.

4. Create Before You Consume Inspiration

Are you guilty of diving into Instagram or Pinterest right before starting your work? It’s tempting, but it often results in feeling less inspired, even imposter syndrome. Create your own work before consuming others' art. This practice fosters genuine creativity that’s solely yours. This habit is a vital part of how to find your art style without being overly influenced by others.

5. Embrace Where You Are Right Now 

Finally, fall in love with the journey. Appreciate where you are right now, even if you haven’t fully discovered your signature style yet. Every phase in your creative journey prepares you for the next. Remember, there are no closing windows of opportunity—your moment will come at the perfect time. Learning how to find your art style is a continuous process, so enjoy every step.

Start Here: Creative Affirmations

Developing a signature style isn’t an overnight journey. It requires consistent effort, intentional creation, and a deep understanding of what inspires you. Here’s a few creative affirmations to encourage your progress as you start to find your style:

  1. I create a lot with joy knowing I am developing my signature style. 
  2. I design from my heart.
  3. I don’t wait for inspiration, I chase it!
  4. I love and embrace every stage of my journey. 

If you found these tips helpful, don’t forget to dive deeper on The Professional Creative Podcast and download our episode freebie: "1 Year of Daily Art Prompts." That’s 365 prompts categorized into 52 weekly themes to jumpstart your creativity. Listen and download here

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How to Find Your Signature Style

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