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On Your Mark, Get Set ... SLOW

Surface Pattern Designer and Creative Entrepreneur Bonnie Christine immersed in her creative process, surrounded by vibrant tools and patterns that inspire her signature designs.

Embrace the beauty of slow seasons! Discover how the cycles of inspiration, creation, and rejuvenation fuel creativity, prevent burnout, and spark growth.

Yup, you heard me! HURRY UP, TO SLOW DOWN!

Gathering inspiration in the slow seasons has been a beautiful practice in my own journey as a surface pattern designer and teacher. It has required me to slow my pace - for the sake of creativity. I know we’ve all been there, a season that feels slower than we’d like. It can be disorienting or downright confusing. It can send us into a tailspin of ‘impostor syndrome’ or even burnout.

Sounds dramatic?

Well, I don’t know about you, but besides feeling stuck, being in a slow season or lacking inspiration can be difficult.

But..THE BEST NEWS EVER - this isn’t a place we have to stay! Whew!! 

In fact - I want to take you on a journey from inspiration and actually planning for the slow seasons. Learning the THREE key cycles that every creative must go through - INSPIRATION, CREATION & REJUVENATION.

I want to bring you along and flip the opinion of a slow season - from something that’s dreaded or negative into something beautiful - that breathes life, joy and passion into our lives as creatives. 

First thing-Let’s define what I mean by ‘slow season’ and then I will share two core truths with you. These have helped lead me in the rhythm and balance as I have found beauty in the slow season - and keep the scary word of ‘BURNOUT’ at bay.

A slow season is just that- A time of slowing down, extra margin in our days, intentional rejuvenation.

I can see you sitting there thinking… "What? WHAT’S A SLOW SEASON? I don’t know what ‘slow’ is, I don’t even know how to do this."

FIRST, you’re not alone. I have also uttered these words.. The pressure we put on ourselves as creatives can be intense. We can get stuck in overwhelm or need inspiration or feel as though we don’t have access to inspiration. Let’s explore two TRUTHS together that help give us the encouragement we need, to forge a path, FORWARD.

We gather inspiration because, at our core we are artists - WE are creatives. Our eyes have been trained, or are in training to see everything around us as possibility. THIS IS AMAZING! What an beautiful gift to know the world that surrounds us has the potential to fuel our creative life. When we train ourselves to gather inspiration, it fuels our creativity and gives us everything we need when it's time to begin creating.

We gather inspiration because, at our core we are artists - WE are creatives. Our eyes have been trained, or are in training to see everything around us as possibility. THIS IS AMAZING! What an beautiful gift to know the world that surrounds us has the potential to fuel our creative life. When we train ourselves to gather inspiration, it fuels our creativity and gives us everything we need when it's time to begin creating.

The process of creativity is pure.

Seasons where life is slow gives creativity space to breathe. (thank goodness) I have had seasons in my business where I have felt stagnant and creatively zapped. This is zero % fun!

I have pondered the cycle of INSPIRATION, CREATION & REJUVENATION so much. Each holds equal weight in my creativity. One is not more important than the other, they build upon each other before repeating. It can be easy to get stuck in each phase.

Without inspiration and information we won't grow. YIKES! Understanding the truth found in gathering inspiration in the slow seasons gives me the encouragement I need to be consistent. This is vital to our lives as artists. 

You have the eyes of an artist.

You gather inspiration from the world around you, in color, texture, tiles on the floor, in your garden, at the farmers market, on a hike or even when you travel. Everywhere you look you gather information. Balance in these three phases is essential for resiliency, long-term consistency and growth.

Nine words: Process, Picture, Pencil, Pen, Paint, Procreate, Points, Palette, Pattern, Product.

These 9 words connect me from slow seasons, to the beauty of holding product with my work. As stand alone words they are each important parts of my work as a surface designer and artist, but connected, in the creative world; they remind me of the intentionality needed to slow down. These words hold such power and growth for both you and I.

You know I love to take a deep dive into the beauty of the slow, and wonderful creative process. I invite you to join me for Immersion LIVE: a 3-day event in October. We will cover the ins and outs of working as successful surface designers. We will unpack the 3 cycles, every creative journey through - INSPIRATION, CREATION & REJUVENATION and how this impacts how we define success.

I would love to have you join me.



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