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How to Overcome Artist Block


Creative blocks. I know we’ve all been there— facing a blank screen, struggling to make the first mark. It can be disheartening and frustrating, sending us into a spiral of self-doubt or fatigue. However, battling a creative block and figuring out how to find inspiration, even in the most challenging moments, has been a transformative practice in my fabric designer and creative entrepreneurial journey. It demands resilience and a proactive approach to maintaining creativity.

Sounds dramatic?!

Well, I don’t know about you, but feeling creatively stuck is not fun and overcoming artist blocks can feel nearly impossible sometimes.

It’s time for some reality and some good news! You don’t have to stay stuck forever! Whew!!

In fact, I want to take you on a journey through different ways to shatter and overcome artist block through practical and actionable strategies. It’s time to breathe life back into your creative pursuits and bring your joy and passion back into your creativity. 

First, let’s understand what I mean by ‘artist block,’ and then I will share practical and actionable strategies to help you navigate it. 

Artist block is a period when inspiration seems to be missing, and creating feels like an uphill battle. I’m going to make the safe assumption that if you’re reading this article, you’re there! And my friend, you’re not alone! 

As creatives, the pressure we put on ourselves can be overwhelming. We can get stuck in cycles of self-doubt, stress, or just a lack of inspiration.

Here are my go-to tips for overcoming artist block. 

  1. Just Start: Easier said than done, right? But trust me, taking the pressure off and starting without any expectations is the key. Promise yourself that it's okay if you end up throwing away what you make; the act of starting is what matters.
  2. Focus on the Habit: People like us create consistently—not for a big reveal, but because it’s who we are. Make marks daily, regardless of the end goal.
  3. Trick Yourself: Tell yourself you'll discard the first 2-3 pages you create. This releases pressure and, paradoxically, you often end up keeping those initial works.
  4. Take a Break: Sometimes, stepping away is essential. A walk, a good night’s sleep, or simply taking a day off can offer a fresh perspective.
  5. Gather Inspiration Offline: Technology can drain you. Find inspiration away from screens. Read a book, take a hike, visit a museum. Let nature and physical surroundings fill your creative well.
  6. Establish a Routine: Set a creative schedule, whether for the first hour of your day or the last. Routine breeds consistency.
  7. Quiet Time for Thinking: Allow yourself moments of pure, undisturbed thinking. Take walks alone, meditate, or simply sit in silence. Thinking deeply is often where the magic happens.
  8. Find Joy: Reconnect with what brings you joy. Work for fun, for a higher purpose. Joyful work stands out and resonates deeply.
  9. Free Your Mind: A cluttered mind hinders creativity. Write down everything swirling in your head. Freeing up mental bandwidth allows greater creative flow.
  10. Capture Spur-of-the-Moment Ideas: Keep a notes app or a journal handy to jot down those sudden bursts of inspiration. Don't let fleeting ideas get lost in the hustle.

These methods have transformed the way I approach new projects and always help me start with a clearer, more focused mind. My friends, these tips have been life-changing for me, and I hope they offer you the same relief and excitement in your creative journey.

Are you ready to turn your creative block into a pathway of endless creativity? Remember, there’s always room for you. Embrace your journey, and keep creating!

For a deeper dive into working through creative block listen to episode 97 on The Professional Creative podcast. Here’s the link to listen.

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